

The property is located in Harmony, Florida.  When Sun Terra purchased, the Harmony Main residential phases were substantially complete. The two developed active adult parcels are being built by Lennar and Jones Homes.

Project Status: Active

Description: Sun terra purchased from a Starwood Fund.


Single-family lots and 135 townhome lots in both Harmony West & Harmony Main


The project started in September 2017


Meritage Homes, Lennar, Jones Homes

Harmony shopping center entrance

A Small Town With A Big Life Lifestyle

Harmony West consists of approximately 1,800 single-family lots and 135 townhome lots.  Phase 1A in Harmony West was developed by Sun Terra and sold to Jones Homes who is currently building.  The remaining 485 lots of Phase 1 was sold to Forestar in February 2020 and is currently under development.  They are also under contract to purchase the remaining 945 lots in 2021.  

Best Small Town Living

Sun Terra developed the parcel Jones Homes is currently building in.  There are two future active adult parcels that are currently undeveloped.  When purchased, the project also included the golf course, clubhouse, and small town center with established retail stores.  These were all sold in December 2017.  In addition, approximately 4,000 acres were sold to Deseret Ranch and recently another 1,500 acres of wetlands were sold as mitigation land.

Sitemap of harmony a property located in Florida